NWHA welcomes launch of Net Zero North West
We’re very pleased to be a partner organisation of Net Zero North West which is launching today. This collaboration of industry leaders will help to drive green recovery, an aim that aligns closely with the Alliance’s own goals.
Net Zero North West will look to create the UK’s first low carbon industrial cluster by 2030, saving 10 million tonnes of carbon per year, creating 33,000 new jobs and seeing £4bn invested in the region. This will support post-COVID recovery while achieving the UK’s legally binding net zero targets.
Founding members of Net Zero North West include some of our own members Peel L&P Environmental, INOVYN and Storengy. Other partners – such as the Cheshire Energy Hub, Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership and local universities – ensure a balance of expertise from academic, industrial and public sector backgrounds.
As the hydrogen partner, the North West Hydrogen Alliance will ensure that hydrogen continues to play a pivotal role in the decarbonisation of the region. We are already home to the UK’s leading hydrogen and carbon capture project, HyNet, and other innovative projects covering things like hydrogen storage, hydrogen production and hydrogen-based transport.
We believe hydrogen is a key part of the low carbon energy mix, but there needs to be investment in other technologies too. Other technologies like renewables, smart grids and carbon capture usage and storage (CCUS) will then complete the mix – and we have them all in the North West.
Carl Ennis, CEO of Siemens GB, will be heading up these industry leaders. His commercial and industrial expertise will be key to making the UK’s first low carbon industrial cluster a reality.
Net Zero North West is creating a roadmap for how the North West will decarbonise industry, create jobs and meet the 2050 carbon emissions challenges. And here at the North West Hydrogen Alliance we can’t wait to play our part.
Read more about Net Zero North West here.